Welcome to the official website of HIT Belt.



Production Range ANSI RMA/MPTA Standard Standard Stock Bore Pulley V-BELT SHEAVES Cast lron Sheaves AK >> V-BELT SHEAVES Cast lron Sheaves AKH >> V-BELT SHEAVES Cast […]

Production Range


Standard Stock Bore Pulley

V-BELT SHEAVES Cast lron Sheaves AK >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Cast lron Sheaves AKH >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Cast lron Sheaves 2AK >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Cast lron Sheaves 2AKH >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Cast lron Sheaves BK >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Cast lron Sheaves BKH >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Cast lron Sheaves 2BK >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Cast lron Sheaves 2BKH >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Cast lron Sheaves 3BK >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Cast lron Sheaves 3BKH >>
3V 5V 8V Pulley Assembled QD&STB Bushing

V-BELT SHEAVES Finished Bore “3V,5V,8V” Gripbelt Sheaves 3V >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Gripbelt Sheaves with Split Taper Bushings 3V >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Q-D Sheaves for “3V” Belts 3V >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Gripbelt Sheaves with Split Taper Bushings 5V >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Q-D Sheaves for “5V” Belts 5V >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Q-D Sheaves for “8V” Belts 8V >>

A B C D Pulley Assembled QD&STB Bushing

V-BELT SHEAVES Gripbelt Sheaves with Split Taper Bushings TA >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Gripbelt Sheaves with Split Taper Bushings TB >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Gripbelt Sheaves with Split Taper Bushings B >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Q-D Sheaves for “A” and “B” Belts B >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Gripbelt Sheaves with Split Taper Bushings TC >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Gripbelt Sheaves with Split Taper Bushings C >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Q-D Sheaves for “C” Belts >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Q-D Sheaves for “D” Belts >>

 3V 5V 8V A B C D Pulley Assembled TB Bushing

V-BELT SHEAVES Gripbelt Sheaves with Taper Bushed Stock Sheaves A/B >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Gripbelt Sheaves with Taper Bushed Sheaves C >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Gripbelt Sheaves with Taper Bushed Sheaves D >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Gripbelt Sheaves with Taper Bushed Sheaves 3V >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Gripbelt Sheaves with Taper Bushed Sheaves 5V >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Gripbelt Sheaves with Taper Bushed Sheaves 8V >>

Adjustable Speed Pulley

V-BELT SHEAVES Variable Speed Sheaves 1VP >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Variable Speed Sheaves 2VP >>
V-BELT SHEAVES Variable Speed Sheaves 1VL,1VM >>